I would like to thank you for being a supportive member and for contributing to our local chapter of the AIA. This community has been wonderful to work with during my past four years as an active member of the AIA Rochester Board of Directors.
As I move into the presidential position, I plan to continue with past presidents’ objectives to advance the organization. We’ve been through a wacky several years and it is time to regroup and reassess our chapter’s future goals and successes. My first goal of the year is to send out a questionnaire to get a better understanding of how to best serve the membership.
Expanding upon current chapter momentum, I plan to focus on several key issues which I feel are imperative for our continued growth:
Community Outreach
We will continue reaching out to our existing partners to strengthen ties and we look to create new partnerships as well. We have formed a new Social Impact Committee whose purpose is to create a tangible outcome within our urban fabric. We will be collaborating with local leaders as part of this initiative.
Continue Opportunities for Membership
Involving our members is something I strongly believe we should be doing! We reinstated the Principal’s Round Table in December 2022 which engaged leaders in the architectural community in order to understand how to best serve our member firms. Feedback from the meeting concluded that the membership wants quality local events that have collaboration with other professional groups. My goal this year is to provide the membership those opportunities.
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
Our newly established and quickly growing EDI Committee, led by AIA Rochester past president Trevor Harrison, AIA, was formed to address iniquities in the profession, the organization, and our firms. The committee is already moving forward with some community focused action items. I’m excited to see the accomplishments this committee will attain this year and into the future.
I can’t wait to work with the AIA membership and our local partners this year. If you are interested in helping the local chapter, then please reach out to me or any of board members. I am honored to serve as your AIA Rochester President this year and to be the voice of our local AIA chapter.
Thank you, Jay Woodcock, AIA 2023 AIA Rochester President