The Rochester chapter of The American Institute of Architects

Photo by Tim Wilkes
Rochester Business Journal Architecture honored by AIA Rochester for Autism Nature Trail
June 14, 2024
" Architecture received rare recognition from the Rochester chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA Rochester) when one of its recent projects was presented with the Grand Honor Award.
The Autism Nature Trail in Letchworth State Park provides a one-mile sensory journey in nature that can be enjoyed by all, especially special-needs visitors."

Photo courtesy CJS Architects
Rochester Business Journal
CJS Architects receives top AIA Excelsior Award for Neighborhood of Play
March 30, 2024
"The Neighborhood of Play serves as a transformative force, with its impact extending far beyond the immediate geographic area, the AIA said in announcing the top honoree. Following removal of the eastern portion of the Inner Loop, the project reconnected neighborhoods and created a mixed-use community, with The Strong Museum of Play the focal point."

Photo courtesy SWBR
Rochester Business Journal
Where is the Missing 32%?
February 22, 2024
"Encouraging and supporting more women to pursue licensure creates a more equitable and vibrant architectural profession. Diverse teams foster innovation, leading to better design solutions and more sustainably built environments."
Leticia Fornataro, AIA is a rotating author for AIA Rochester's "Architecturally Speaking" column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo courtesy HBT Architects
Rochester Business Journal
Finding the Architecture in Infrastructure
December 14, 2021
"...I thought it might be fun to take a quick look at just a few of the hundreds, if not thousands, of previous infrastructure projects that we pass by every day. These are structures whose significance may have become so common to us all that we forget about the vision, efforts and talents that it took to create these public infrastructure works."
Trevor Harrison, AIA is a rotating author for AIA Rochester's "Architecturally Speaking" column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Thomas W. Boyde, Jr., c. 1930. Photo courtesy of the Rochester Museum & Science Center.
Democrat and Chronicle
Boyde, Rochester's first Black architect, to be studied
December 23, 2020
The Greece Historical Society is undertaking a cultural preservation study to document Rochester’s first Black architect, Thomas W. Boyde, Jr., and his work in our region which includes the ornate exterior of what is now Monroe Community Hospital and many local residences among other projects.
Several member architects were included in a feature in the D&C pertaining to this project, most notably Troy Williams, AIA, who is currently Rochester’s only registered architect of color, and Falon Uloth, Associate AIA – Boyde’s great-granddaughter – who is pursuing her architectural license as well.

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
Hear that buzz: Rochester is poised for a Renaissance
October 2, 2020
"This raises the question of whether the region should shift its rebuilding efforts to focus on housing and natural resources rather than the traditional job-focused economic initiatives of the past. Why try to become the next Silicon Valley when we already have something unique and desired for the rest of the country? Is high quality of living the new Rochester amenity?"
Past Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA explores the Rochester amenities we may be overlooking in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo courtesy Anton Grassl Photography
Rochester Business Journal
Stantec wins top honors at AIA Rochester awards gala
September 28, 2020
Stantec was awarded the 2020 Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Rochester for its design of the Western New York Welcome Center on Grand Island. The welcome center invites visitors and residents to engage in the economy, culture, gastronomy, history and experiences of New York. A Merit Award went to In·Site:Architecture for the creation...

Photo by AIA Roc
Rochester Business Journal
Architecture institute awards scholarships to eight
August 26, 2020
"Five college students and three 2020 high school graduates received annual scholarships totaling $15,000 from the Rochester Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and The Architectural Foundation of Greater Rochester."

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
Residential design trends reflect generational differences
August 25, 2020
"In a world that has become increasingly polarizing, it seems only natural that building design and construction follow suit. Driven by data and research, many developers are looking beyond the wants/needs of the traditional market and are instead looking specifically at generational differences among buyers."
Past Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA delves into what different generations are looking for in new home construction in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
COVID forces us to reevaluate how we inhabit buildings
June 26, 2020
"For better or worse, people are paying attention to their physical space now more than ever. As the region and state continue reopening, our view of the commonplace is now seen through the lens of the pandemic."
Past Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA predicts changes in design resulting from the pandemic in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
COVID forces us to reevaluate how we inhabit buildings
June 26, 2020
"For better or worse, people are paying attention to their physical space now more than ever. As the region and state continue reopening, our view of the commonplace is now seen through the lens of the pandemic."
Past Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA predicts changes in design resulting from the pandemic in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
Interactions between contractor, architect fraught with peril
March 4, 2020
"Closing on what can confidently be described as a positive year for the industry, I’d like to offer the obligatory wish-list for what one hopes to be another transformative year for our region."
Past Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA visits three claims that all Rochester architects can endorse in Rochester in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo courtesy AIA Rochester
Rochester Business Journal
Architectura's Takatch is new AIA Rochester president
January 15, 2020
Jennifer Takatch, principal at Architectura P.C., is the new president of AIA Rochester, the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Takatch, who was awarded the organization's Medal of Distinction in 2019, had been the organization's vice president and takes over from outgoing president Jason Streb of CPL.

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
'Architecture of play' plays out across streets and structures of Rochester
November 13, 2019
"As cities and companies constantly search for a winning edge—could play be the differentiator? For architecture, play can be the bold statement for how we create a uniqueness in a sea of “sameness.” If Rochester is truly becoming a city of play, can its architecture be emblematic of that?."
Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA discusses the concept of 'play' in Rochester in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

AIA Rochester
Rochester Business Journal
Fashion Week gears up to celebrate 10 years
September 13, 2019
"At the same time as the Louise Collection was coming together, Jason Streb, an architect with the CPL firm and president of the Rochester chapter of the American Institute of Architects, reached out to Fashion Week to see if designers from that realm could participate in some way."

AIA Rochester
Rochester Business Journal
AIA awards scholarships to seven future architects
September 12, 2019
Scholarships totaling $15,000 were recently awarded to seven students by the Rochester chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA Rochester) and The Architectural Foundation of Greater Rochester (AFGR).

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
Second architectural thoughts on the best use of Parcel 5
September 6, 2019
"I didn’t want to like it. I wasn’t expecting the space or experience to be as special as it was. Certainly this feeling would fade in time, and I could chalk up the memory to a singular, rare occurrence."
Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA revisits his thoughts on Parcel 5's development (or lack thereof) in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo of D&C article
Democrat & Chronicle
Art installation downtown is clever, meaningful
July 14, 2019
Our Installations in Midtown Commons received some positive feedback in the opinion section of the D&C. Don't miss your chance to experience our architectural follies - they're only on location through Labor Day!

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
Demystifying the building design process:
An architect’s story
June 28, 2019
"What starts as a sketch or idea on a small notebook or napkin (yes, often a napkin) evolves into a full-blown building. It’s an interesting concept many don’t realize about architecture."
Chapter president Jason Streb, AIA writes about the process of designing a building in his latest bimonthly column for the Rochester Business Journal.

Photo courtesy Barbara Burke, Assoc. AIA
585 Magazine
Bridging the Gap
June 27, 2019
AIA Rochester's Installations project is featured in the July issue of 585 magazine! Max Akulin, AIA spoke with editor-at-large John Ernst about why AIA Rochester thought that bringing seven interpretations of the gabled house to Midtown Commons for the summer was a good idea.

Photo courtesy Vince Press
Rochester Business Journal
Architectural creativity on display in tiny form at Midtown Commons
June 20, 2019
"The ingenuity and creativity of local architects is now on display in small-scale form at Midtown Commons. The design initiative was the brainchild of the Rochester chapter of the American Institute of Architects, in partnership with the city, as part of the organization's centennial anniversary."

Photo courtesy Robert Benson Photography
Rochester Business Journal
Bergmann, other area firms honored by AIA Rochester
June 17, 2019
On Friday, June 14, AIA Rochester and IIDA NY Rochester Center City held the annual Design Awards Gala at Arbor at the Port. Winning projects by local firms were honored and the Foundation's scholarship winners were recognized.

Photo courtesy CPL
Rochester Business Journal
Rochester a pendulum of old and new design
March 29, 2019
In the first of a series of articles for the Rochester Business Journal by AIA members, 2019 AIA Roc President Jason Streb, AIA, explores the future of building in our city.
This new series of articles stems from the long-running RBJ series published by Jim Durfee, AIA, who recently retired from Bergmann Associates.

Photo courtesy Jennifer Takatch, AIA
Rochester Business Journal
Women of Excellence honorees announced
March 22, 2019
Congratulations to AIA Roc 2019 Vice President Jennifer F. Takatch, AIA of Architectura, PC! Jennifer is being recognized by the RBJ as a Woman of Excellence for her business leadership and commitment to her community through volunteerism and mentoring.

Photo courtesy Michelle Murnane, AIA
Rochester developments showcased at Downtown Rising event
March 7, 2019
On March 7, AIA Roc was invited to showcase our upcoming Centennial events at a featured table at the RDDC Downtown Rochester, NY Rising event.
At the end of the news clip below is AIA Roc Communications Director Michelle Murnane, AIA, discussing the Installations at our booth. Bonus footage features Immediate Past President Jeff Roloson, AIA, attending the event.

Photo courtesy Linda Hewitt
News 8 WROC/Monroe County
AIA Rochester Centennial Press Conference with City, County
January 23, 2019
AIA Rochester officially kicked off our 100th year anniversary of professional architects in Rochester with a press conference at the renovated airport. AIA Rochester 2019 President Jason Streb, AIA was joined by Cheryl Dinolfo of Monroe County and Holly Barrett, P.E. of the City of Rochester, who proclaimed January 23 to be American Institute of Architects Day and The 100th Anniversary of AIA Rochester in the County and City, respectively.