First, I want to say thank you to all of our AIA Rochester members and partners for your support of the AIA Rochester community. It is an honor to be working with such a wonderful community.
My hope for the coming year is to reinvigorate AIA Rochester as we move forward after the drastic changes we have seen since the start of the pandemic. My goal is to help AIA Rochester GET BACK OUT THERE through:
Community Outreach
AIA Rochester’s community has a strong base of local partners we have engaged with for years. In the next year I hope to strengthen those partnerships and hopefully establish new partnerships with other organizations. New events and collaborations will provide our memberships with new opportunities and connections that will benefit everyone.
EDI (Equity Diversity & Inclusion)
2021 AIA Rochester President Andrew Petrosky did a wonderful job starting the EDI committee. We took the first step and I want to make sure we continue to move forward and grow with the needs of the community. It will be exciting to see where this committee will take AIA Rochester in the coming years.
Relaunch Networking Opportunities
What drew me to AIA Rochester at the start of my career were the networking opportunities. I attended many of these events and developed relationships which have had an influence on my career. Over the past few years these in person events were not possible; making sure these events start back up is extremely important to give our newest colleagues the opportunity to develop and meet the next generation of do’ers.
Engage Next Generation of Architects
The next generation of designers are searching for where to direct their passions. I hope to work with AIA Rochester to establish ways to engage with students from K-12 through college to help them navigate the complex path to getting licensed. I want all students to know that they have a place at the AIA Rochester table in the future and that we are here for them now to help them get to where we all are.
It will take all of us to make these goals a reality. I am proud to be a part of such a great community and excited to work with the entire AIA Rochester membership and partners throughout the next year. Can’t wait to see you out there!